Saturday 27 August 2016

How Frozen copied Naruto

Frozen. The film we all know and love. Today though, I'm not going to tell you about how great the film is. Instead, I'm going to present to you a theory, a movie theory.

Theory: Elsa is Sasuke with Naruto's powers.

First let's start with the similarities between Elsa and Sasuke.

Image result for elsa

Look at what Elsa is wearing before she leaves home and 'transforms'. Darker colors. Pay attention to the blue and black in particular.

Now look at what young Sasuke wears before he leaves home.
Image result for sasuke uchiha
Image result for sasuke uchiha black
Again, primarily blue and black. Darker colors.

Now look at what Elsa wears after she sings "Let it go".
Image result for elsa blue dress
Instantly, it looks different. It's a much lighter color than before, you'll also notice that it's a lot more revealing than her previous dress.

Now look at Sasuke after he leaves Konoha.
Image result for sasuke uchiha
Again, it's a lighter color and much more revealing. (I mean look at him he's practically shirtless!). Notice any similarities yet? Well keep reading, we're just getting started.

Note: Sasuke and Elsa are also both left handed.


I'm assuming that all of you reading this know the story of Elsa. But, if you forgot here's a quick recap.

Elsa is born with magical ice powers. However, when she is young, an accident almost causes the death of her younger sister, Anna. She is isolated for the rest of her childhood and teenage years. Tragically, she loses her parents. Her powers, increase in size and she cannot control them. She leaves home, fearing for the safety of those around her. Anna and her friend, Kristoff pursue after her and risk their lives in the process. Eventually, she returns home.

Now look at Sasuke's story.

Sasuke is born a prodigy and gifted with sharingan eyes. When he is very young, he loses both his parents and is separated from his brother. He blames himself for this. He grows up isolated and lonely. His powers grow in size. He leaves home at a young age to find more power so that he can avenge his parent's death. His friends pursue after him and fail at first. But, he eventually returns home.

These stories are definitely very similar, apart from their powers and reason for leaving home. (We'll get back to that in a while)

Let's run through a checklist

  1. Have special powers: Check
  2. Lose parents: Check
  3. Get separated from sibling: Check
  4. Grow up in isolation: Check
  5. Leave home: Check
  6. Friends pursue them: Check
  7. Eventually return home: Check
There is also quite a bit of symbolism in their clothes.Image result for elsa coronation

Image result for sasuke uchiha
Look at Sasuke's headband and Elsa's tiara. They are both symbols of commitment and loyalty to their village and kingdom respectively. They are also symbols of honor and responsibility. Both of them consciously lose these items to signify their severing of ties to their place of origin.


Sasuke and Elsa have remarkably similar personalities. They are both usually calm and level headed as you can see in the above pictures but when pushed they can act aggressively and violently, often on impulse.

Image result for elsaImage result for sasuke uchiha

Both of them have violent outbursts of aggression from minor provocations. Remember when Elsa freezes Anna's heart after getting frustrated by Anna's insistence to return home or when Sasuke attacks Naruto after he annoys him.

Both have a soft side though, one that occasionally shows up in Frozen and Naruto. As children, both of them had fun-loving, charming personalities.
Image result for elsa as a child frozenImage result for sasuke uchiha child
As adults however, they have outgrown their immature, turbulent ways and become calm, wise and sensible.
Image result for elsa final sceneImage result for sasuke uchiha adult

Alright, now lets talk about the similarities between Elsa and Naruto.

Their powers: Elsa is extremely powerful. Naruto is also extremely powerful. Elsa's powers can be used for destruction or for creation. We see that she is able to create life, in the form of Olaf. Naruto is also able to use his powers for destruction. But, he also has life giving powers. We see that, towards the end of the series, he is able to revive Might Gai after he dies.
Both these characters also feel like monsters because of their seemingly uncontrollable powers. As children they have little control over it. It's only through the power of family that they learn to master their powers. For Elsa, her sister helped her do it. For Naruto it was his mom. 
In the beginning, both of them are isolated thanks to their powers, later both are cheered by their village or town because they saved them. For Naruto, this happened when he defeated Pain. For Elsa, this happened when she stopped the eternal winter.

So there you have it. The similarities between Elsa and the two main characters of Naruto are staggering. Let me know if you liked this theory and if you want to see more of this. Suggestions are welcomed.

Sunday 31 July 2016

The meaning of Move Along

This is one of my favorite songs and has a really inspiring message, but I want to know who it was written for and the deeper meaning of Move Along. So lets theorize!

The message of this song is obvious: when things turn bad, pick yourself up and move along. But after listening to this song and watching the Vevo video over and over again, I finally figured it out.

This song was written for the USA's recession in 2008.

Alright, some of you Eagle-eyed theorists out there are probably saying that this theory is impossible, since the song was written in 2005, but stay with me for a bit, I will explain.

Look at this article:

If you read the whole thing, you'll notice that the earliest predictions date from 2004. So it may be a stretch, but its not entirely impossible that All American Rejects could have prepared a song like this for a future recession. 

OK, that's all well and good, so what other evidence do I have for this theory?

Well, there is one line in particular that struck me.

"When you fall everyone stands"
This song could refer to the dozens of countries that actually benefited from the 2008 recession. China and India did not feel the effects of the recession as strongly as the US did, and several large companies expanded their research and manufacturing divisions to these nations as the US made a slow recovery.

Then there are TONS of references in the Vevo music video. And it would make more sense to have a recession themed video since it was made in 2009, in the thick of the recession.

1. The sales chart at 0:07
This chart shows falling sales for the company the man is working for. If you look closely it has a year on it. It's hard to tell whether its 2008 or 2005 (it's 480p and the font is quite small) but i'll assume that it is 2008 for the purposes of this theory. This is by far the strongest piece of evidence for this theory.

2. The man who gets sacked
Just before we see the sales chart, we see that a man in formal attire is getting shouted on by his boss. Then we see his the falling sales on the sales chart so we can assume that he gets fired. This is a strong reference to the huge number of people who got laid off in the recession.

3. The doctor
During the entire video, only one man appears to have a job, that man is the doctor. While all the other men wear T-shirts, he is in uniform. This is a reference to the fact that the only industry which experienced growth during the recession was the healthcare industry.

Also, everyone who was unemployed in the video was male. This may be a reference to the fact that between 70-80% of all people laid off were men. This is because the male-dominated industries were hit worst by the recession.

4. Broken marriages

During the course of the video we see that the wife of a man leaves him and the man has to eat dinner alone. If you look closely at this chart. We see falling divorce rates, until the recession in 2008, from there the rate plateaus and climbs again. This is an obvious reference to the fact that the recession increased the number of broken marriages in the US.

5. The crashed car at 1:24
This is a very obvious reference to the auto industry, which literally crashed in 2008. This industry was possibly the worst affected by the recession. Detroit, the 'motor city', is still feeling the repercussions of the financial disaster even in 2016.

6. The Jock with US on his shirt
This is one of the most cleverly hidden innuendos I've seen. The words US can mean them and us, but it actually refers to the United States. All along, it was right in front of our faces and we didn't notice. The video shows the US getting beaten by THEM, which could refer to the rest of the world. 

Alone, these references may seem minute. But together, it is very clear that the song and the video were made for and inspired by the struggles the US went through. The US has followed through the message of the song and risen out of the worst recession of the last 60 years. And, I'm proud to say that yes, the US has moved along.

Monday 25 July 2016



Hi, my name is Namish Gali. I am an aspiring writer, with dreams of writing a bestselling, inspirational and influential novel. I started this blog because theories have always fascinated me. Songs and films are great on the surface, but many of them have hidden meanings in them. My job is to nitpick those little details, research and present a final theory to you. I love what I do and if you like what you see, share it. I would really appreciate your advice and ideas for future theories. 
Thank You.